Abstract Submission Guidelines

Please do your best to submit an informative abstract as a comprehensive summary of the research’s essence including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusions. The Abstract should be accompanied by a brief biography. Please download the Abstract Template (press HERE) and follow the format carefully. Be sure to submit your Abstract as a .docx file.
Every abstract will undergo a blind peer review and will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- clarity of the stated aims/objectives;
- relevance to the Conference scope;
- appropriateness of the title and abstract;
- structure of the paper;
- clarity of language;
- discussion and conclusions;
- correctly cited reference list;
- relevance to the Abstract Template.
The author will be informed of the review results by July 31, 2024. If revisions are required, the revised abstract must be sent back within 3 days. There is also an option of our making some minor corrections without sending the abstract for revision.
Oral Presentation Guidelines

The Conference live sessions are to be arranged online via ZOOM.
There is a time slot of 25 minutes for each presenter, with about 15 minutes of presentation and about 10 minutes for questions and answers.
For its better comprehension, the oral presentation is preferably to be accompanied with PowerPoint slides. Those are the presenters’ responsibilities and will be offered through the ZOOM screen-sharing option. You may download the customized Slide Template (press HERE).
A test run will be conducted by the organizing committee in close proximity to the Conference. All the participants will be given guidelines on how to connect during the Conference and make their presentations.
Poster Presentation Guidelines

Since the Conference is arranged online via ZOOM, virtual poster presentations will differ from those physically held on-site in the traditional A1 format. It is preferable to make a PowerPoint presentation (three slides maximum) for a 5-minute talk. All the poster presentations will be placed on the Conference website for the audience to prepare their questions. Please download the customized Slide Template (press HERE) and do your best to upload your presentations as a PDF file or a set of JPG images.
There is a time slot of 15 minutes for each presenter, with about 5 minutes for a brief overview and about 10 minutes for questions and answers.
A test run will be conducted by the organizing committee in close proximity to the Conference. All the participants will be given guidelines on how to connect during the Conference and make their presentations.