Vitaliy Vereschagin
Vitaliy Vereschagin is the General Manager of Caparol Ukraine, part of the concern DAW SE, and the Head of the Supervisory Board of the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine. He is a graduate of the Executive MBA kmbs program, which helped him to form his own vision, to expand his views on the business processes and also to reflect on the fact that the company can create additional value, caring for the future of the planet. In 2019, Vitaliy became a mentor of the first Young SDG Innovators Camp in Ukraine, where young people work on the projects of sustainable development.
As for the professional activity, he builds the strategy of Caparol Ukraine on the principles of sustainable development, taking into consideration its potential and the tasks set before it. It includes caring for good health (a culture of consuming safe and environmentally friendly materials that don’t harm the environment), quality education (non-stop educational trainings for employees and partners), sustainable development of cities and communities (which are supported with the company’s solutions), partnership for sustainable development (involvement of other companies and institutions for cooperation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals).
Vitaliy is actively involved into the eco-initiatives that take care about the natural environment, volunteer activities, aimed at helping elder people and also into restoring the cultural heritage of the country.