Prof. Pauline Deutz
Pauline Deutz is Professor of the Department of Geography, Geology and Environment at the University of Hull, UK. Following on from a multi-disciplinary training, with degrees in Geography and Geology, Pauline’s research takes an interdisciplinary social science approach to the co-ordination of environmental issues with other social-economic priorities. Examples include: incorporation of industrial ecology/circular economy principles into economic development & resource management; integration of eco-design in product design; building the capacity for sustainability in waste management. Currently she is coordinating the EU Marie Skłodowska Curie Innovative Training Network ‘Cresting: Circular Economy: sustainability implications and guiding progress’. She was the co-PI of ‘Evolving a Circular Plastics Economy’ institutional award to the University of Hull funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. Pauline is currently the Immediate Past President of the International Sustainable Development Research Society, having been President for 2019-2020.